Paper abstract

Mining Conjunctive Sequential Patterns

Chedy Raissi - University of Montpellier & Ecole des Mines d'Ales, France
Toon Calders - Eindhoven Technical University, The Netherlands
Pascal Poncelet - Ecole des Mines d'Ales, France

Session: Mining Sequences and Streams
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In this paper we aim at extending the non-derivable condensed representation in frequent itemset mining to sequential pattern mining. We start by showing a negative example: in the context of frequent sequences, the notion of non-derivability is meaningless. Therefore, we extend our focus to the mining of conjunctions of sequences. Besides of being of practical importance, this class of patterns has some nice theoretical properties. Based on a new unexploited theoretical definition of equivalence classes for sequential patterns, we are able to extend the notion of a non-derivable itemset to the sequence domain. We present a new depth-first approach to mine non-derivable conjunctive sequential patterns and show its use in mining association rules for sequences. This approach is based on a well known combinatorial theorem: the Mobius inversion. A performance study using both synthetic and real datasets illustrates the efficiency of our mining algorithm. These new introduced patterns have a high-potential for real-life applications, especially for network monitoring and biomedical fields with the ability to get sequential association rules with all the classical statistical metrics such as confidence, conviction, lift etc.